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Sales and Marketing (Videos): Track Selling Step 6: Act of Commitment
Product Code: pb140 Time: 21.0 minute(s) CEUs:


During Step Six of the "Track Selling System", Act of Commitment, is the time to ask for the order, the time to ask for whatever act of commitment you have as your objective for your sales call. During this program, you'll learn the importance of the close and how to ask for the order using the first close. You'll also learn how to handle objections and use subsequent closes.



    • Introduction
    • Act of Commitment
    • Asking for the Order
    • Handling Objections
    • The Second Close
    • The Third Close
    • The Fourth Close
    • The Fifth Close
    • Summary

    Technical Requirements:

    P500+ Processor, 128MB of RAM; Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Minimum screen resolution 800x600, Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher; Windows Media Player 9.0 or higher; Flash 8.0 or higher; 56K minimum connection; broadband (256 kpbs or higher) connection recommended; Javascript, DHTML and cookies enabled; Sound card with speakers or headphones strongly recommended.

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